Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fresh Start

My New Year's Resolution for 2016 is simple: 
Start Fresh. Live Happily. Stay Positive.

I made a long list of things I'd like to accomplish (or finish) this year. I read it over and decided to "crumple" it up and throw it away. I want a clean slate. You can't start fresh on anything without a clean slate, or in this case, an empty page. Don't get me wrong, I have so many projects I want to start, many places I want to see, and things I want to change about myself and my life. Though, I don't want to feel pressured by my own devices. I much rather wake up every single day and say, "Today I am going to be happy." 

One thing I did promise myself though, is to actually devote time to this blog. I want to use this blog as an outlet to express my love for design and let my creativity run wild. I am now staying home with my newest little darling instead of going back to work so I hopefully will make time for the blogosphere. I hope that anyone who reads this blog can join me in this journey to get inspired, motivated, or just simply share ideas with one another in bettering ourselves, our homes, and our lives:) 

Cheers! Here's to a fantastic fresh start in 2016 for everyone!

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