Thursday, March 10, 2016

Command Center Makeover

Our command center was lacking, a lot of things. Especially organization. Its place is by the backdoor in the kitchen yet spread to the counter across the room by the kitchen sink. Nothing made sense. So, I did something about it thanks to Hobby Lobby and Target:)

I apologize before hand for the low quality pictures. I am still getting the hang of this camera on my new phone, hopefully I'll learn to edit better pictures as this blog grows:)

No real purpose other than a chore chart and calendar. (The "paperwork" and mail were on the counter in a wood box, no pictures.)


Spider man book bag, on loan courtesy of my two year old decorator, Max:)

White distressed note holder (upper right corner) made from an old wood frame and twine.
Upper left corner, Chalkboard cow "Farm Fresh" sign, Michaels $7.99.

Metal industrial organizer from Hobby Lobby, originally $50.00 on sale for ONLY $20.00!

"Hanging" industrial organization basket on clearance for $7.99!

Chalkboard chore chart and chalkboard inspired calendar, both, $3 at Target Dollar Spot!

Arrow, FREE! Made from cardboard and extra twine from another project! (space filler)

Clock from Target $15.00.

The Next Day... After School, In Use...

Its been almost a week and this command center has certainly come in handy! Especially organizing school papers and mail for my husband! I hope this will inspire you to create your own "command center". It may not be a necessity, but certainly a lifesaver while managing a home and family with four kiddos and a big kid husband! A great way to stay organized, give it a try!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dinning Room Gallery Wall Tour

Last August I decided to give our dinning room a little makeover. I always loved gallery walls that I've been seeing all over Pinterest, Instagram, on many home decor blogs, and even in magazines so I decided to give it a shot. It is a while in the making, and I feel like I constantly am going to be updating these pictures and adding things with four beautiful kiddos that don't stop growing but I am definitely happy with the result. Besides the pictures of my babies, I am especially proud of the wooden "clock" that I made and the giant wall ruler I also DIYed and stained with a one of a kind stain that my husband and I created. The blanket ladder was also a creation but I still want to distress it, so I am not done just yet but here is a few pictures of the progress:) Enjoy!

Sorry about the glare from our chandelier, which is getting a makeover... 
another post for another day:)

The second (higher) arrow is getting a stain treatment to match the color of the wall ruler.

-Most of the frames were collected over the years. 
-The two bigger pictures of my older children were each placed on a simple white canvas that was on sale 4 for $9.99 from Micheal's craft store.
-The Antique white frame was collected during a thrifting/junkin' adventure for $.50 what a steal!
-The barn wood arrow (altered to hang vertical) on the left is from Hobby Lobby along with the pallet deer head on the other end, both were under $20.00!
-The "&" was from Michaels and was only $4 thanks to coupons!
-The working "antique" clock with key hands was from Walmart a few years ago for around $15.00.
-The big ol' wooden "clock" was handmade by me out of a beat up electrical cord spool I rescued from the trash for free:) 
-The lighter wooden arrow was from Michael's for under $10! I just made it vertical and added some twine to the bottom.
-The white "lanterns" were found at The Antique Barn "Old Glory" in south Jersey for $13 ea.
-The tiered beauty full of greenery and some wood pieces is from Target, $19.99.
-The two wooden pieces beside the lanterns are scraps from a farm table my husband built. 
-The wall ruler to the right was a DIY along with the blanket ladder. (DIY posts to come:))
-The white "dipped" basket was from Michael's along with the blue pattern pillows, all for under $20!

If you are interested in a wall "clock", ruler, or blanket ladder 
(and many other handmade decor items & furniture) stay tuned!! 
We are selling them online and at our new Booth this summer!

Thanks for stoping by!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Last Baby

        I haven't blogged in a while. Life seems to get extremely busy whenever I promise myself to keep up with a blog. I've had many blogs before this over the years that I either forgot about, lost the password, or the passion for. This one seems to be certainly different. Even though my posts are really spaced, I think about writing a new post a few times a week. It just unfortunately never happens. Raising four beautiful babies might have a big part in my lack of writing, but I can't use that as an excuse with so many wonderful mamas' spreading their passions and sharing their lives through the web. Then it dawned on me. I really never know what to write about. Well, tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks.

        As I was sitting on the floor skimming through youtube videos on my Mac of how to DIY my own industrial light fixture for my dinning room, I was getting little kicks from tiny (but not so little anymore) itty bitty baby feet. Junior, our fourth child, was playing and having a ball enjoying his new activity mat as I sat beside him. I can hear him giggle and coo at the little jungle animals hanging about the arches of the brightly colored Little Einstein's mat. He is almost three months old already and I still don't understand how he grew so fast and got so big. He will be the big three March 19th and he is already wearing nine month old sized clothing. When you post something like that on Facebook you'll get a bunch of other moms chime in to tell you how big their new baby is or how big their old baby was. I feel like being a seasoned parent and even a new mom can give you bragging rights as to the development of your child but I will never brag on this subject because it makes me nothing but sad.

        He is growing. He is growing far too quickly and sometimes I even want to cry thinking how just a few weeks ago I carried him safe and sound in the comfort of my womb. He's not only out in the world with a multitude of dangers and illnesses but thats not really what I'm so sad about. He is growing. He is slowly but way too quickly getting older. His infant stages are breezing by and I can't stand it. I might sound emotional but that is only because he is our last. He is our last baby. To say that, is pretty upsetting. There is such a sadness knowing that you will never feel those kicks on the inside anymore. No more flutters. No more bubbles and spins. No more ever so carefully watching every single thing you put into your body because another human being's life depends on it. No more growing something so special only love and God can make. No more wondering what color eyes they will have, who they will look like, what color hair they will have and if it will be fine or wavy. No more babies.

        Now you have children. Your babies will grow and get older, and there is no more turning back the hand of time to have another pregnancy experience. This is it. But.. Now you have children. And they will grow and you get to experience new and exciting, overwhelming, scary, strange, invigorating, and proud moments to share with them. But most of all you get to watch them grow. So, as I look over to the left of me, still kicking and giggling, my last baby is right in front of me. And come to think of it, I am pretty happy about it.

Cherish your babies. They grow.

 Smiles & Dimples